Hi, I'm Dr. Sara Hegy and you're here because you just got that I'm a powerhouse who serves humans to unleash their best potential.

Why? Because I was miserable for the longest time in going after my dream to publish in Nature and contribute to the scientific environment.

What changed? I got coached during my PhD and what happened next changed the course of my life FOREVER!

Latest News: $2.7 million grant from the NIH , Congratulations from the German Embassy in Cairo.

Seen in: DW, Skynews, ETC Recognized Coach from the German Government.

How my future looks like: Everything is POSSIBLE!!

I'm here to share with you THAT!!

If you're a HR manager, a CEO, an Entrepreneur in a promising startup, an investor who cares about the future of work and people, we are your go-to business to help you unveil the riddles of talent management behind the science, the strategies, and the titles- Keep Reading..

The law is simple.

24 = 8 + 8 + 8

Those are the total number of hours you and your team have every day. Typically people sleep 8 hours, work another 8 and live another 8.

Step 1: Let's demonstrate how people work their 8 hours according to stats.

Step 2: Let's take a highlighter and highlight which parts of this circle are negatively impacting a typical S&P company.

P.S those numbers are even bigger on a global scale.

Step 3: Let's talk numbers...

Step 4: What we do based on clients' surveys*...

*numbers in the chart are approximate based on our clients surveys and measures of performance. We assess measures like productivity, freedom of self-expression, self-confidence.

We revolutionize human perceptions about their work cultures.

We give our clients the scientific playbook behind having a great life of making a difference together with a box of tools to practice the skills they need to build to develop their leadership after building with them a foundation of self-awareness that leads to them understanding their patterns and behaviors.

We understand that every human wants to make a difference, some failed and never recovered, some are committed but struggling, some never knew themselves as capable, some got lost and haven't discovered their strengths, some are having recurring disempowering circumstances that are in the way, some with high potential but are unaware of how to maximize it and some who believe they are in the wrong place so they sabotage themselves and others around them.

In a Nutshell:

We help you and your team spend your 8 amazing hours in a mental state of energy recharge, growth, fulfillment, balanced mindset, and profound relationships that the team spends their ''official 8 hours'' at peak performance and productive measures to create groundbreaking results of innovative nature and strong ROI to your businesses.

How We Work?

You Create Your Thesis,

We Create Your Results!*

*Give us your challenge, we deliver to you the frameworks and training programs that you and your people need to cause your desired results.

Why Us?

-We specialize in delivering science-based leadership development and talent enablement in simple terms.

-We offer personalized frameworks that are cost-effective and profit-enabling.

-We fuse the science of achievement from the Western World and the art of living fulfilled from the Eastern World.

-This work is led by a woman of Arab ethnicity, German Expat, Award-Winning Scientist and Coach. So, she walks the walk before talking about it!

Meet the Woman Behind this Work:

🚀Dr.Sara Hegy is an Award-winning Scientist, Leadership Development Expert and Coach.

🚀A published first author in Nature under Ahmed et al,2020 (Best Academic Journal Worldwide).

🚀Richtzenhain Prize Winner in 2021 and congratulated by the German Embassy in Cairo.

🚀Dr.Hegy's research raised a grant of 2.7 million USD for the scientific development of her findings.

🚀Dr.Hegy has 11+ years of leadership experience as a highly-qualified academic professional expat.

🚀Within the first 23 months of her business's launch, with 10,000+ hours of training and development, she delivered 5000+ hours of coaching calls, created 30+ global clients, and a 5-figure coaching business in the first 23 months of launch without prior entrepreneurial experience.

🚀Dr. Hegy is voted as One of the top 15 coaches in Berlin, Germany in 2022, 2023.

🚀CoachFoundation has honored Sara as a top leadership development coach in 2024.

🚀Dr. Hegy's awarded the 2023 Influential Business Women Awards by AI.

🚀Dr. Hegy's a thought leader who delivered 12 scientific articles with a twist on leadership, decision-making, and being visionary for Brainz Magazine in 2023/2024 .













We're trusted by Trust Pilot

GenX rating on trustpilot

✨✨Whom do we work with to create Leadership Development Magic? ✨✨

🥳Open and Forward-thinking decision-makers who are at the forefront of organizations who want to attract and retain top talent.

🥳Investors who are passionate about the future of work and creating healthy work cultures for people.

🥳Multicultural diverse teams who are committed to creating results.

🥳Leaders who enjoy the possibility of giving their team autonomy, independence and ask them to dream big.

🥳Teams who are after solving big global challenges and create lasting impact.

🥳Curious customer-centric entrepreneurs who are willing to build products and develop processes that solve real challenges for people

If that's you and you want to hire someone who speaks the exact language of your people: whether that is a. quitter

b. burnt out, exhausted and demotivated

c. ambitious, committed but struggling..

Let's talk then, because I was there and I got out of the struggle! Not only did I get out of that hole, but I was a massive, MASSIVE return on investment for my bosses.

and now, I'm 100% committed to helping you enable your teams do the same.

How? By building innovative leadership bridges through my personalized customer-centric leadership development programs to help your teams develop visionary leadership to create extraordinary results.

Here's to your team's success,

Sara Hegy PhD and Coach

Founder of GenX Leadership Academy

Multiple Award-Winning Coach and Scientist

7 Facts about Coaching from Global Experts:

✨✨ Mckinsey, 2023 reports that 70% of individuals receiving coaching reported better work performance, communication skills, and goal achievement​​.

✨✨ ICF, 2023 reports that companies investing in coaching see 7 to 49 times the cost of coaching, with some cases even suggesting an ROI of up to 700%.

✨✨Gallup reports 60% higher engagement among employees who receive regular coaching.

✨✨ The Center for Creative Leadership reports that 77% of organizations that received coaching had a significant impact on at least one of nine business measures, including leadership effectiveness and employee engagement.

✨✨ 80% of individuals who received coaching reported increased self-confidence, and 73% reported improved relationships and more effective communication skills.

✨✨ Human Capital Institute reports that strong coaching programs improve talent retention by up to 32%.

✨✨ ICF reports that 95% of individuals who were coached stated that they achieved their set goals and 68% said they experienced improved performance and efficiency.


We lead from the heart and enjoy giving our clients incredible unforgettable experiences..

Sara was one of our guest speakers during International Women’s Week 2022 at Vodafone Intelligent Solutions (VOIS). The session was extremely amazing with her knowledge, personal experience, inspiring story and positive attitude. She is such an energetic, self-motivated and super authentic person!

Yara Osama -Egypt

Global Communications Supervisor at VOIS

Thanks Sara for your sincerity and high sense of professionalism during all the steps that we went through during our preparation for the Elite meeting Training Workshop.

Alaa Ahmed-UAE

Brand Manager @ SPIMACO

Building a partnership with Sara has had repercussions on many aspects of my professional and personal life. Sara has helped me distinguish my self-limiting beliefs and realize the masked potential for my performance. Her program was sincerely customized to me and feeling her devotion to support me has given our partnership an immense forward push. As we started, I was skeptical of the technique, and I wondered “Do you think this is going to work? Is this worth my investment?”. To every wonderer like myself, the answer to both questions is YES! I highly recommend Sara to people aspiring to grow, seeing a boundary that they do not understand, and willing to open up and dwell into their core. This might just be the thing for you!

Omar Mosaad- Germany

Scientist @ Grünenthal Group

Sara got my attention and intention ready since our very first call...highly motivated and committed.

Sara's program included group and 1 on 1 action , definitely a pleasant journey and life-changing experience The program opened up aspects for growth and made me regain curiosity. It also helped me define when things go wrong and how to act in such situations .

the program provided tools and enlightenment to master self-awareness , the value provided exceeded my expectations and opened up a new world for me. Sara makes sure she listens carefully and is very dedicated to her customer , a definition of work passionately done. I wish Sara a flourishing business and career, and I highly recommend her as a coach .

Ahmed Eissa- Germany

Senior Software Engineer @ Daimler

Sara was my coach for 3 months during which she provided a judgment-free & structured space to explore my situation and come up with new ways to achieve what matters the most for me.

She uses several coaching techniques such as powerful questions and deep listening to identify roadblocks that stay in the way of me living in the life of freedom.

It was amazing to know that there are many tools and resources from which we are not aware, which can assist us in making better decisions and positively impacting our life.

After my coaching sessions with Sara I became better in describing myself. I started having powerful conversations with my boss. I became aware of when I am in a reaction. I learnt being in a reaction doesn't take me anywhere from where I am but actions do. Sara is very kind and continues to check on me frequently and remind me of the powerful techniques I learnt from her.

Dina Mostafa-Netherlands

Postdoctoral Scientist @

UMC Utrecht

" I had the pleasure of working with Sara as my career and personal coach. She helped me to discover my blockers and improve my performance in both my personal and professional life.

I am delighted to express my deep appreciation for Sara's exceptional guidance as my leadership coach. Throughout our coaching sessions, I encountered numerous situations where effective communication played a pivotal role in achieving remarkable results. Unfortunately, communication is not my strongest suit. This is where Sara's invaluable support came into play, assisting me in enhancing my communication skills. With her expertise, she introduced me to a systematic approach that can be applied across various contexts. Moreover, Sara's guidance helped me gain clarity in my thoughts, enabling me to overcome numerous obstacles that previously hindered my progress. Thanks to her efforts, I have successfully resolved many challenging situations that would have otherwise remained unresolved.

Marwa Abdelrazeq- Germany

Software Development Manager @ Amazon | Head of Accessibility in Cloudscape.design

"I chose Sara Hegy to be my coach 3 months ago after seeing her on TV speaking about her journey. I had a strong feeling that she will be able to help me although I didn't know what to expect from the program.

I was truly surprised by all the things Sara helped me discover about myself. She helped me see where my self-limiting beliefs are coming from and how I can deal with them. She helped me discover how to be powerful and free.

In just a few weeks I have seen myself perform and communicate differently because of her coaching. Sara is an amazing coach, she does it from the heart and she put her all into her coaching. If you want a powerful coach who would commit to unleash you and hold you accountable to your own success, I highly recommend Sara."

Dalia El Kenawy, Egypt

Strategic and Analytics Manager @Johnson and Johnson

Real Experiences they shared..

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GenX Leadership Academy by Sara Hegy

VAT DE352549221

Registration Number at Commercial Registry: HRA 62139B

  • sara@sarahegy.com
  • 0049/17645166108 (Call to Prebook)
  • www.sarahegy.com

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