Dear Ambitious (Tired) Busy Leader,

How often do you worry about your future amidst all the economic and political instability that the world is going through?

⚠️Do you ask yourself, am I going to make it? How are my kids going to make it?

⚠️Are you afraid of losing the wealth you built, the social standard that you sustained amidst all the inflation and uncertainty in the world right now?

⚠️Do you catch yourself angry and in blame for not quitting earlier or leaving a toxic relationship earlier and you feel you're not quite over that in your new job?

⚠️Have you been expecting a long-awaited promotion that seems to never come?

If any of the above resonates with you, then keep reading...

✨️Do you wish you had peace of mind instead of the circus of noise in your head that tells you you're not going to make it?

✨️Do you wish you had the confidence to stop listening to the voices in your head that have you wonder how you made it so far?

✨️Did you ever think of getting yourself a skillset that helps you rise above these challenges?

✨️How about a system that supports you in navigating your personal and professional challenges?

✨️How about developing this skillset alongside a highly successful person who walked the walk and has an eye over all the kinks you must do to build that self-resilience and skillset yourself?

Our Coaching Services at GenX Leadership Academy are Science-Based AND Numbers-Driven designed to accelerate your results toward the path of a great career that you're proud of whilst building A LIFE THAT YOU LOVE!!!

Read about Martin's experience of his first call:


  • You have a conversation with an expert coach and a powerhouse scientist on how to navigate through your current challenge.
  • We set a personalized plan for you to start taking new actions with the insights you discovered on the call.
  • We have a follow-up call in one week to see what opened for you, which actions you took, and what are your results.
  • If you're ready, we offer you our available 1:1 or group programs and we share with you more information and answer any questions you may have.

Here's your Leadership Expert and Coach:

🚀Dr.Sara Hegy is an Award-winning Scientist, Leadership Development Expert and Coach.

🚀A published first author in Nature under Ahmed et al,2020 (Best Academic Journal Worldwide).

🚀Richtzenhain Prize Winner in 2021 and congratulated by the German Embassy in Cairo.

🚀Dr.Hegy's research raised a grant of 2.7 million USD for the scientific development of her findings.

🚀Dr.Hegy has 11+ years of leadership experience as a highly-qualified academic professional expat.

🚀Within the first 23 months of her business's launch, with 10,000+ hours of training and development, she delivered 5000+ hours of coaching calls, created 30+ global clients, and a 5-figure coaching business in the first 23 months of launch without prior entrepreneurial experience.

🚀Dr. Hegy is voted as One of the top 15 coaches in Berlin, Germany in 2022, 2023.

🚀Dr. Hegy's awarded the 2023 Influential Business Women Awards by AI.

🚀Dr. Hegy's a thought leader who delivered 12 scientific articles with a twist on leadership, decision-making, and being visionary for Brainz Magazine in 2023/2024 (Ongoing until 15 Feb 2024).













Dr. Hegy has been featured in:

If you've been feeling stuck or stagnant for a while and you're ready to take a decision...

If you've been looking for a way to break through the barriers holding you back and experience yourself free from all the barriers, people and circumstances that hold you back and you're ready to take a decision...

If you've been wondering where to start and looking to work with a trust-worthy person to hold your hands through the process and you're ready to take a decision...

then, this is the opportunity you've been waiting for...

We're trusted by Trust Pilot

GenX rating on trustpilot



"In just a few weeks I have seen myself perform and communicate differently because of the program..!"

Dalia Elkenawy @ Strategic Analytics Manager

"I realized how much drama was around life was driven by lots and lots of drama that I didn't know or was aware of"

Pedro Soler @ Entrepreneur

"The program opened up aspects for growth and made me regain curiosity.!"

Ahmed Eissa @ Senior Engineer

"I became better in describing myself. I started having powerful conversations with my boss. I became aware of when I am in a reaction...!"

Dina Mostafa @ Scientist

"Before this experience, I did not realize what was blocking me from achieving my dreams and regulating my thoughts. I was overwhelmed with life and its problems."

Aya Ahmed @ Industry Engineer

"The program's structure is very helpful especially in training the client on using the tools in different situations and the available support when you are stuck..!"

Rana Nasser @ Scientist

"This program helped me clarify what I was striving for. It was an excellent investment of money and time...!"

Esraa Radyan @ Entrepreneur and Data Analyst

"The program improved my communication and understanding my thoughts, and how to deal with them properly to get a clear vision of what I want to do in my own business. Moreover, my performance improved tremendously, making me a better leader for my employees."

Ahmed Motie @ Engineer and Entrepreneur

The program got me more committed with my actionable performance plans , I then knew how to perform well without my previous experience of being emotional around task execution.

Asmaa Badawy @ Health Care Professional

You are one decision away from stepping into a new view

⬇️⬇️Click the button below to schedule your call today ⬇️⬇️

More Info on the First Call:

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

❓What if you know my friends, and I don't want them to know about our conversation? Our conversation is confidential. Everything you share on the call stays in the call!! We are legally bound to honor our client's privacy.

❓Can my work fund the call or the program? Yes, if you're in Europe, they can fund or reimburse you, we can talk about these details further if we are a good fit.

❓Is this service taxable? Yes, if you're in Europe and you get 19% back during your yearly tax declaration if your government allows you to claim further education/Weiterbildung.

❓What can I count on you for? That's a great question and the answer is: showing up for you in the best way to serve you!! You can count on me for that

❓Will I get actionable steps from the coaching call even if I'm not ready to join the program yet? Yes!!

❓What areas do people get clarity on in the first session? Anything from relationships, career challenges, communication blocks, confidence issues, sources of burnout,...

❓Is there a money-back guarantee for this coaching session? No, there is no money-back guarantee on our coaching services, only on products like the Clarity Kit we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.

❓Will this call be recorded? The privacy of our clients is our utmost priority, should any recording take place, it will only be for training purposes and if you don't want the call to be recorded. Simply explicity request that as you're booking the form below!

❓If we are a great fit together, what are the next steps? Sara Hegy will offer you to work with her in a time-bound coaching program.

❓Whom should I expect on this call? Sara Hegy will lead this coaching call until further communication.

The Scientific Coaching Method- Simplified

Once, in a land of endless possibilities, you were the hero of your own story, dancing across a boundless football field of dreams and wonder.

You said: ''When I grow up: life will be like this and that, I will do this and that''

Each goal was a triumph, each day an adventure. But as life happened, your play field began to shrink, they judged you, stopped you, circumstances happened to you and you got cramped by life's twists and turns.

You said:''Maybe that's not for me, maybe I'm not meant to be and this is not it. Happiness is not for me/ great life is not for me/wealth is not my friend/ a healthy relationship is not for me''

Shadows of doubt crept in, whispers of 'could have been' and 'should have been' echoed, dimming the bright lights of your dreams.

Then, in the midst of life's toughest challenges, whether a personal loss or a career stumble, the game seemed to halt. The field became too small, your goals too distant or maybe you fought hard and you actually made it but you got super stuck and nothing tastes the same anymore.

In this crucial life chapter, a new decision awaits!

A decision to experience powerful coaching and educate yourself to unlock the power of your visionary mind to where it wants to be.

To create a visionary life: you need to become aware of the power of your old thoughts, your unhealed wounds and your self-sabotaging actions THEN you need to cultivate new thoughts, strong self-worth, and effective powerful actions. All this needs to happen towards building a direction of a life that you love. A LIFE that fills you up with peace of mind, freedom and satisfaction!

Our clients experience the coaching programs delivered by Sara Hegy as their valuable guiding star, offering a beacon of satisfaction and fulfilment NOW, not someday!! We bring our clients a treasure trove of:

a) deep clarity on vital internal and external processes on how the mind thinks and acts that they become aware and master them

b) strategies on what to say and how to act to be closer to your goals and ambitions

c) practical tools to overcome the challenges they experience, and...

d) unwavering support and mentorship from Sara as needed

Our Clients before the Coaching Program

Our Clients after the Coaching Program

😶Have you been dragged in your routine?

😣Are you looking for a fresh start?

😥Do you secretly ask what's wrong with me and my life?

😠Why did it all stop working out for me?

Sara Hegy's Personal Highway to Success and Fulfilment

Let's face it, managing our distraction, unnoticed burn-out or depression can take its toll at us and keeps us stuck for years!!

7 years ago I was so bitter, angry at myself, sad and heartbroken..

"You wasted all these years and NOTHING is working!!"- that's what my inner voice would shout at me on repeat, like an angry parent humiliating and shouting at their kids!!

What's wrong with me? What did I do wrong to deserve this? Everyone moved on and I didn't!! I can't do it anymore!! I'm so tired!! I never do anything besides work, yet I'm not even that good in it or else I'd have finished!!

Then, one day, my coach asked me this “shocking question”

That allowed me to take control of my self-doubt and self-sabotage instead of "it" controlling me!! I started controlling "it" .

So one hour earlier, I was thinking 1,000,000 thoughts of self-doubt everyday, but over the next months, I would think 10 Per Day!

Over the next 6 months, for the first time EVER, I found the time to do sports in my busy schedule !! first for 5 mins, then 15 mins then 45 mins at the more I did sports, the more energetic I felt at work!!

I took the courageous step of moving out of the small city I complained about for years and I slammed open the door of growth opportunities..

I NEVER felt so at peace in my whole life!!

I was a completely different human being!! It's like I've shed off my old skin and now more than ever I am fresh, free, and alive..


I have toured 10+ high-paced and highly competitive work environments and spent 10k+ hours of training and 12+ years of leadership development , created some pretty cool results as an expat woman in a European country..

all to discover the LEADERSHIP PERKS that build a happy fulfilled leader who performs with passion and dedication

and now, I pass all this science and expertise on to you!!

Our Clients Are/Work at these Brands!

At GenX Leadership Academy, We Specialize in Building Innovative Bridging Solutions For Leaders’ Challenges To Help Them Create Extraordinary Results Whilst Building a Life That They Love

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Features of Our Training Programs

No Gimmicks.. No Textbook Strategies


Inovative Performance Structures for Training Delivery

Powerful Tools

Personalized Progress Plans

Engaging Environment for Training Delivery

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GenX Leadership Academy by Sara Hegy

VAT DE352549221

Registration Number at Commercial Registry: HRA 62139B

  • 0049/17645166108 (Call to Prebook)