Download our FREE Active Decision Making Guide
Have you counted how many times that you experience an overwhelm of thoughts during the day? then you rush to the next thing, then the next thing?
Before you know it, you're exhausted, distracted, and out of energy..
What if I told you that you're few steps away from experiencing clarity of mind that gives you space to master taking better, more effective decisions throughout the day.
In this Active Decision Making Guide, you'll get a structure of questions that will support you to take more efficient actions, which we all love, and less fear-based reactive decisions and hence, save you a lot of daily stress!
All you need is:
A calendar reminder to answer these questions every day for 7 days and watch the quality of your decisions, such as how to spend your time, when to attend to your deadlines dramatically improve..
It's totally FREE!!
No more excuses to grow!
Get it here below!
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Acknowledgement Note: Sara Hegy PhD and Coach owns the exclusive rights to these questions. To purchase the rights to distribute this material, please contact Sara Hegy PhD and Coach at
Let me tell you WHY hear from ME!
🚀I'm an Award-winning Scientist, Leadership Development Expert and Coach. My greatest passion is to support people and their families to live an extraordinary life.
🚀I'm a published first author in Nature under Ahmed et al,2020 (Best Academic Journal Worldwide) and it wasn't an easy destination, I had to peel through all the layers of fear, self-doubt, and sabotage that I had to WIN.
🚀My research raised a grant of 2.7 million USD for the scientific development of my findings and I'm the Richtzenhain Prize Winner in 2021 and congratulated by the German Embassy in Cairo.
🚀I have over 11+ years of eventful leadership experience as a highly qualified academic professional expat in Germany.
🚀Within the first 23 months of my business's launch, with 10,000+ hours of training and development, I delivered 5000+ hours of coaching calls, created 30+ global clients, and a 5-figure coaching business in the first 23 months of launch without prior entrepreneurial experience.
🚀I was nominated as One of the top 15 coaches in Berlin, Germany in 2022, 2023 and I'm awarded the 2023 Influential Business Women Awards by AI.
🚀I delivered 12 scientific articles with a twist on leadership, decision-making, and being visionary for Brainz Magazine in 2023/2024 .
Combining the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment, I studied the elements that make up the best success recipe in leadership and that's what you'll train on and get access to through working with ME!!
Let's Meet:
GenX Leadership Academy by Sara Hegy
VAT DE352549221
Registration Number at Commercial Registry: HRA 62139B
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