Timeline of the Episode:
1:22 Conversation on Divorce: Exploring the Societal Constructs and Perceptions
5:20 Exploring the Stigma of Divorce: A Conversation with Janie, the Divorce Expert and Coach
11:45 Finding Self Expression Through Divorce
17:10 Communication is Key to a Healthy Relationship and Divorce
19:48 Pain Points of Divorce: Freedom of Expression, Feeling of Love, and Loss of Self
27:13 The Benefits of Having a Coach for Self-Discovery and Clarity
33:13 Friends VS Coach, what's the difference?
41:05 the 9 pillar program to support people going through a divorce
53:02 Fear Vs Freedom
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About GenX Podcast: A multilingual podcast aired in Arabic and in English. it reflects what it means to be a global citizen. In this podcast, we touch upon leadership challenges in diversity, and inclusiveness spaces. We deal with what's in the way of leading from the heart, driven by fulfillment and satisfaction.We talk about what matters to leaders and decision makers around the world, who have a strong commitment to succeed in life including mindset challenges and performance blocks.هذا بودكاست متعدد اللغات يتم بثه باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. وهو يعكس ما يعنيه أن تكون مواطنا عالميا في مختلف أنحاء العالم. في هذا البودكاست, نتناول ونتطرق إلى تحديات القيادة لخلق أداء فعال بداخل مساحات التنوع, والشمولية. نحن نتعامل مع ما هو في طريق القيادة من القلب ، مفعما بالرضا و الحياة الطيبة.نتحدث عن ما يهم
القادة وصناع القرار في جميع أنحاء العالم ، الذين لديهم التزام قوي بالنجاح في الحياة.
About Our Guest: Janie is a divorce expert and coach who helps people going through divorces find freedom and power in self-expression. On this podcast, she discussed the stigmas and shame that come with divorce and shared statistics about the percentage of divorces that occur after 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 years of marriage. Janie pointed out that the longer someone has been married, the more likely they are to realize that they have grown apart and are not compatible. She further discussed the idea that relationships can start off as rainbows and daisies, but once kids enter the picture and eventually leave the nest, people may be left wondering who they are and if they still love their partner.
In this conversation, the speaker talks about her own personal experience with divorce and how it has inspired her to become a divorce coach. At 21, she married because it was the thing to do, but the marriage failed due to infidelity. She then jumped into another relationship and then another marriage, but these also failed because they were not on the same page. Through her three divorces, she has gained knowledge and confidence to help others going through the same thing. She created a program to help others move from a place of feeling like the world has ended to finding themselves again. Her message is that there is no shame in getting divorced or being vulnerable.
Contact Janie at: jane@theshinecoach.com
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